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80 products

Swift Challenger Grande Replacement Caravan Mattresses.

At, we specialise in enhancing your caravan adventures by providing ultimate comfort solutions. We're proud of our bespoke services tailored specifically for Swift Challenger Grande caravan models, including the 560L, 560L SE, 580, 580 SE, 635, 635 SE, 650L SE, 670, and 670 SE.

Our team uses technical details provided by Swift to craft meticulously designed replacement mattresses. Each product ensures precise fit and enhanced sleep experience, transforming your caravan into a cosy haven that complements your outdoor lifestyle.

Every mattress we produce stands as a testament to thoughtful design, choice materials, and superior craftsmanship. Our replacement mattresses are renowned for their durability, comfort, and perfect fit. Our commitment goes beyond making a sale; we strive to help you make your caravan feel more like home.

So, if you're in need of a custom, high-quality mattress for your Swift Challenger Grande caravan, look no further. At, we're here to make your caravan experiences as comfortable as possible!